Thursday, June 24, 2010

Is it Manga if it has nothing to do with Japan?

After an ill-spent evening in the bookstore drooling my way through the manga section I had to pause and take a hard look at the Twilight graphic novel nestled amidst the other various T titles.

First of all, I want to make clear that while I love Twilight, I’m not one of those rabid fans who will get into long arguments screaming “Team Jacob” in the face of whatever “Team Edward” fanatic I can find (though I’ll admit to being a Jacob fan…) But I was interested to see how the book would adapt over to the visual printed media.

The artwork I like, and think that Young C. Kim did an excellent job. Bella isn’t quite what I expected but I like her anyway.

No, the question I’m posing is, does this book in fact belong on the manga shelf of Barnes and Noble, or does it truly belong solely in the world of Young Adult, or at worst alongside the graphic novels over in Science Fiction and Fantasy?

I suppose I’m a purist, and will freely acknowledge that indeed I will watch only subtitled anime, the only exception to the no dub rule being Gatekeepers 21 (don’t ask me why). But Twilight to me isn’t manga and even the insistance that it’s manhwa is a bit iffy in my mind.

Perhaps this is a question best answered by you. When you go to the manga section in the bookstore, just what are you looking for? Or would you indeed the world be a better and happier place if all graphic novels were nestled together, one big international family?

And do we even need to discuss Twilight as an anime?

(Though it's an excellent fan vid...)
What do YOU think?

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


So as most of you know E3 is going on right now, and with it comes some pretty big gaming announcements.

One of those announcements came from Microsoft. They announced a new sleeker version of the Xbox 360. It is all black, with a 250 GB hard drive, and built in wi-fi. It comes in at about $300, which I think is a pretty good deal. The system looks very slick and sexy. I found myself salivating over the announcement of this new 360, especially since it is shipping this week. I can't wait to get my hands on this puppy.

Another bit of big news came from Sony, when they unveiled Portal 2 for the PS3. Now for those of you who don't know the developers of Portal, Valve, has publicly spoken against the PS3. So it was a huge surprise when GLaDOS' voice came from the speakers. Gabe Newell even acknowledge the fact that in the past he has dissed the PS3. Still this is very good news for the PS3, this means that it is catching up with the Xbox 360. One day it could be on equal footing with the 360.

Finally as far as Nintendo goes, if you're a fan girl/boy there were a lot of exciting announcements. Such a brand new Zelda, new Donkey Kong, and a new yarn themed Kirby. All of these games and more should satisfy the fans for awhile. Although these games had me chopping at the bit what really got me was the official unveiling of the 3DS. The 3DS is a new handheld the offers complete 3D gameplay, without glasses. Now that's a big one.

With all the announcements the game that I was most excited to see was Star Wars: Old Republic. This new Star Wars game is an MMO developed by Bioware, this game is poised to topple the Goliath that is World of Warcraft. And I can't wait to play this game into the wee hours of the night.

How about you guys are there any games that you are excited about? Or are you just tired of all the E3 news?

Friday, May 28, 2010

S.A.V.E. our Anime Collections!

Total SQUEEE Alert!

I’ve just recently discovered the S.A.V.E. edtions (Super Amazing Value Editions) of several anime series from Funimation. Is there anything more hopelessly addicting than several series that cost less than $30 for an entire series? The WOW factor just kicked in big time. Especially when, with a little shopping around at places like Overstock you can find them for less than $20 in some cases!

Speaking as an older anime fan, I remember back to the days of spending between $30 and $40 for a SINGLE DVD and even then your selection was pretty limited. Sailor Moon or Tenchi anyone?

Ah but now….this is beyond delicious. And to celebrate I’m putting out a quick list for the anime hungry.

Pumpkin Scissors
King of Bandit Jing
Blade of Phantom Master
Baldr Force Exe
Venus vs. Virus
Galaxy Railways
School Rumble
Moeyo Ken
Rumbling Hearts
Air – Anime
Air – Movie (less than $8!)
Hell Girl
The Wallflower
Peach Girl
Solty Rei
Gunsmith Cats
E’s Otherwise

I don’t know about you, but I’ve got a wishlist to update – OK forget the wishlist. This calls for a major glomping over at Animenation.

Which titles just hit your “must buy” list?

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Nexus One, Hooray?

As most of you already know Google officially announced the Nexus One, a phone made for Google. A phone that has what it takes to topple the iPhone, but I just can't make myself feel too excited for it. I've been waiting a long time for the Google Phone to come out, but now that it's here I feel less than enthusiastic about this amazing phone. Not quite sure why, it has everything that I would ever want in a phone. It has an amazing browser, it's design is very sexy, and tons of apps. Yet I don't feel very jazzed about it's arrival. Maybe it's because of Google's nonexistent advertisement or maybe it's just because of where my head is at at the moment.

How about you geeklings, what are you're thoughts on the Nexus One?

Saturday, January 2, 2010

10 Anime Inspired New Year's Resolutions


This geek girl is looking at the new year in complete and total anticipation. I can’t wait to get started!

Er…I’m ahead of myself again. You’re probably wondering what in the world I’m up to. Simple! It’s goal-making. The number one favorite pastime of people entering into a brand new year.

This year I’m making some goals totally anime inspired. Why? Because it’s time to cave to the inner otaku. And besides, there are some totally cool things I’ve been wanting to do thanks to anime.

In no order whatsoever, so don’t even try to figure these out:

1. Dedicate time to my harp. By the end of this year I want to have at least four songs completely memorized. Watching Beck lately has made me want to really commit to my music and while harp playing isn’t the least thing like rock music…the ability to create something for others to enjoy certainly is something truly special.

2. Visit an anime convention. It’s been a few years but Comic Party just calls me to haunt artist’s alley and explore all there is to enjoy at a con. Who’s with me on this one?

3. Do housework with a smile and the realization that this is a way to express your love for those around you. Sappy, yeah, but Ai Yori Aoshi always hits me that way…

4. WRITE! Read or Die shows very clearly what happens to writers who spend years staring at the blank page and not moving forward. It’s certainly time to get back on the wagon. My specific goal here is to complete four novels by the end of the year. (When I grow up I want to be Nenene!)

5. Take charge of the masses. Honestly, my kids can rival the anarchy of Infinite Ryvius. And we all know what happens when you allow that much leniency!

6. Pay attention to those around me. Kanon taught me the joy of looking out for those around you, and doing what you can to make their way easier.

7. Improve my aim. I used to be a pretty decent archer once upon a time…and have enjoyed my occasional forays into the world of LARP both in sword and quarterstaff. Seriously, if you’re going to fight, fight well. Or not at all. Sailor Moon anyone?

8. Not be so negative. Ayane in Gatekeepers 21 almost destroyed the world thanks to her inner dialogue. This means being a whole lot more patient.

9. Remember that every story has two sides. Risky Safety taught me that one.

10. Lastly…connect with other fans, people who speak my language. After all, what does isolation breed but a bad version of Welcome to the NHK?

It’s going to be a great year. Gambatte everyone!

What has anime inspired you to do?

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Even Geek Girls get the Blues

I’m struggling today with something that certainly isn’t new, but it’s persistent. No, we’re not talking a new programming language or attaining the next level in the latest MMORPG.

I’m talking about depression.

I wonder sometimes if maybe geeks might be prone to just a little higher probability of depression than the rest of the world. Here’s my thoughts, with minimal scientific data to back it up (sorry, too…meh…to do more than Google) :

1. Geeks tend towards the higher end of the IQ spectrum. In the article “Depression and Intelligence” at the author states: “In fact, a high IQ is a good predictor of depression. Why? Simply because those with higher intelligence are amazingly “creative” with their inner dialogues.”

2. The nature of the Geek life itself tends towards isolation. If you’ve ever seen “Welcome to the NHK,” an anime about the Hikikomiri life, you’ll see where hours of anime and gaming can lead to an actual documented illness as the individual pulls away from life in general.

3. Geeks…let’s face it…tend not to have the network of friends to support them when they start getting ‘down.’ If all your friends are online, who’s going to see past the IMed responses to see how you really are?

4. Geek activities tend to feed into the depression. While the non-geek population might think a night out clubbing or shopping is the cure to the blues, the Geek gravitates towards their favorite pastimes of computer games and all weekend anime marathons. While physical activity (so all that window shopping and dancing) will actually stimulate the release of endorphins to raise mood levels, there have been studies that show video gaming can lead to adrenalin rushes that will actually dump dopamine into your brain…much like crack will. The problem comes afterwards when the rush fades. In the wake of the rush, your body will crash, and hard. Your mood will in fact be worse than when you started.

5. Geeks are human. I hate to break this to you…but they are. And guess what? If depression affects as many as 19 million Americans every year, it just might well be your turn. After all, geeks have the same money/relationship/life stress the rest of the world does.

So what to do? If you suspect you have a severe problem with depression, please talk to someone. Anyone. I would suggest starting with your doctor.

And as for me? I’m going to get away from the computer a bit and get outside, maybe take a walk and scuff through the leaves with someone I love.

How do you beat the blues?